Saturday, October 11, 2008

October 7, 2008

Today we chose to go on a tour sponsored by the resort. Our guide, Eric, and driver, Larry, along with the moose bus made it an adventure. Our main destination today was an apple orchard, but our first stop was Indians’ Leap. At this rock young Indians were challenged to leap across the river to prove their manhood. Driving on we came to the apple orchard where we had great lunch in a beautiful setting, and then took our bags to the orchard where Ted picked Macintosh apples. The low apples had all been picked, so Ted had to do the picken’. They were the most delicious apples we have ever tasted.

The rest of our tour took us to two covered bridges. One of them is located in the small town of Bath and is the longest covered bridge in New Hampshire. In Bath we visited in the oldest general store in the state, a church with a painted tin ceiling, and a 50’s diner, which had old drive-in speakers on display.

One of the best parts of the tour was seeing both Mt. Washington and Mt. LaFayette, which are high peaks in the White Mountains. The whole day was crystal clear, which is a rarity here in NH. Even the locals were out enjoying the views today. The sun also makes the leaves just sparkle.

After our tour ended, Ted and I drove up the Franconia Notch to so a hike. Our hike turned out to be a little more than we bargained for at the end of the day. We met a delightful Scottish couple, who have us some unsound advice about how to start the hike.
We began at the steepest part of the hike, and although it wasn’t too long, it was pretty steep. There was a lot of “up” before we saw any “down”. We should have done it in exact reverse. We just didn’t prepare like we should have, but we got back around okay. It was only a mile and a half. Tomorrow we’ve better prepared for our hike.

We ate dinner at the resort and are watching the second presidential debate. It should be over soon!

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