Thursday, October 2, 2008

Heading for Maine

We left Houston and Hurricane Ike behind on September 30. We also left behind a crumbling U.S. economy and frustrating presidential race (Obama vs McCain). It's time for a walk in the woods. Our flight from Houston took us to Boston where we landed at 5:30 pm. After a hour and a half wrestling with Thrifty for a car, we were off to Saco, Maine where we spent the night.

The next morning we drove through Portland, ME and onto Freeport and the Flagship L.L. Bean complex. The town was picturesque with lots of cute shops besides the L.L. Bean store. I could have spend a fortune, but there were too many decisions to make. I settled for a pair of jeans (which is a near miracle for me to find), and Ted bought a couple of shirts and a logo cap. It was well worth stopping to see the giant boot.

Our next stop was Bar Harbor, but that was quite a long ways off. We decided to take a detour and stop at a small harbor called Five Islands to have a lobster roll. The windy rode took us longer than we thought and when we got there the Lobster Company was closed. Bad planning on our part. We did find a small general store in Georgetown and tried the lobster roll. It might not have been the top of the line lobster roll. We'll have to try one somewhere more reputable.

From there took the slow scenic rode to Bar Harbor and on the way we managed to see all kinds of beautiful coastal Maine towns. There doesn't appear to be any economic slowdown here. Besides the attractive towns, we saw lots of gorgeous fall leaves. They aren't quite at their peak, but beautiful nevertheless.

We arrived in Bar Harbor almost at sundown and found our hotel, the Atlantic Eyrie Lodge. We'll have a great view once the weather clears up. It has been raining most of today. We went to dinner down at the wharf and are really looking forward to exploring this area tomorrow.

1 comment:

larrys oregon said...

It was good to talk to you from Maine this evening. Arcadia NP does sound pretty wonderful.

Have a good rest of the trip...Brother Larry